New Orleans Legacy Association of Bands, Inc.
Uphold Your Legacy
Standard HBCU Audition Requirements
The Basic Requirements
Each bullet point is a common expectation
Scales (Major, Minor & Chromatic)
A Prepared Piece
Sight Reading
Percussionist must display knowledge of The 40 Essential Rudiments
In detail below
Major Scales: Concert
C, F, G, Bb, D, Eb, A, Ab, E, B, Db and Gb
Natural Minor Scales:
Concert A, D, E, G and C
Chromatic Scales:
Flute - C to C, 3 octaves
Clarinet- E to E, 3 octaves
Saxophones- Low Bb to High F above the staff
Trumpet- Low F# below the staff to High C above the staff
Mellophone or French Horn- Low C below the staff to High G above the staff
Trombone- Low E to Bb (second octave)
Baritone (Bass Clef)- same as Trombones
Baritone (Treble Clef)- same as Trumpets
Tuba or Sousaphone- Low E to Bb (second octave)
Find a list of scales here:
The 40 Essential Rudiments are required. Please start at a slow tempo and accelerate to a roll for a minimum of (5) seconds. The 40 Essential Rudiments can be found at:
Horns - Perform two solos or etudes of your choice. The choices should be contrasting; one displaying slow, lyrical playing with the other displaying proficiency in technique and articulation. Any piece Grade 4 or above on the FBA list (or other state festival list) would be considered appropriate.
Percussion -Students should prepare etude/solo on snare drum
Bring your own Instruments & equipment. Borrow them from your school if necessary.
instruments WILL NOT be provided
Practice your prepared piece to perfection.
You will be auditioning before professionals. Dress comfortably but presentable.
Band or High School attire is fine.
No Do-Rags, No Bandanas, No Flip-Flops, No Slippers.
Upon approaching the director's panel, you must introduce yourself accordingly.
Speak & answer questions confidently.
Don't be afraid to let them know who you are.
Follow the instructions as given without hesitation.
Upon your Exit, thank participating directors for the opportunity to audition before them.
Expect to be contacted by directors privately for further evaluation.
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